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What is Concetta?

After the death of her mother, Maria, a nurse at an assisted living facility, must find a way to connect with Iolanda, a patient at the nursing home who lives with dementia. Concetta is a short film produced through Boston University's Production III course, an honors thesis production class built around creating a festival-ready short. Concetta was one of six films selected by BU’s Film and Television department to be produced in this honors course.

Who is the Team Behind Concetta?

Director: Geraldo Hinch is a Film major at Boston University where he writes, directs, and edits his own short films. He worked as a production assistant on the Showtime series Dexter: New Blood in 2021, and interned for the show Chronicle on WCVB. Geraldo has won multiple awards for his work, and his goal is to direct independent feature films. Producer: Colin Capenito is a senior at Boston University studying Film/TV. Colin has experience in a variety of filmmaking roles, but most recently shifted to a focus in producing. Outside of school, Colin interned at the Massachusetts Film Office and America’s Test Kitchen. Colin loves collaborating with his peers and brings a lot of enthusiasm to the projects he works on. Director of Photography: Matt Clary is a senior at BU studying Film and Television with a minor in Advertising. Based out of Los Angeles and Boston, Matt shoots, directs, and edits music videos as a freelancer and currently interns at Volcom doing video production. Matt loves producing all kinds of film and video and is always looking for the next opportunity to create. Production Designer: Emily is currently finishing her Film and Psychology dual degree at Boston University. She has extensive experience working as a production designer for many genres of film. She fell in love with production design a few years ago when she realized that she could build an immersive reality the audience can get lost in. Emily constantly looks for new challenges and loves to explore new genres.

Why Support Concetta?

Our team has worked tirelessly and passionately on Concetta because of its theme: finding family. At its core, Concetta is about loss and finding family in the people around you. Through Iolanda and Maria, Concetta explores these characters as they face massive obstacles and are left with great trauma from passed loved ones. Two characters who, in order to grow and to survive, need to find one another. Stories like Concetta which speak for the need for connection, friendship, love, and family help make overcoming every frightening, soul-crushing challenge all the more possible.

How Will Your Donation Help?

In order to bring Concetta to life, we ask for donations to help make this film the best it can be. Donations for Concetta will go toward making our production run professionally and smoothly. This includes feeding our crew and cast, acquiring the right costumes and props, getting everyone to and from set, and ensuring we have the best COVID safety protocols. A small portion of the donations will go towards post-production costs and film festival fees. Please donate now!

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